Reflecting on a Remarkable 2024 – Thank You for Being Part of Our Journey!
Reflecting on a Remarkable 2024 – Thank You for Being Part of Our Journey!
Read MoreReflecting on a Remarkable 2024 – Thank You for Being Part of Our Journey!
Read MoreThe Children’s Winter Warmth event was a testament to the power of community. It’s a reminder that when we come together, we can achieve wonderful things and make a tangible difference in the lives of those around us.
Read MoreAre you aware of the staggering amounts parents invest in youth sports, often with minimal returns?
Read MorePreparing for emergencies doesn't have to be expensive. Our "Disaster Preparedness on a Budget" guide covers affordable and practical steps to build an emergency supply kit and create a plan tailored to your needs.
Read MoreAs the winter chill sets in, we're on a mission to ensure that every child stays warm and snug!
Read MoreHIStory-Making Moment Unfolds at the George R. Brown Convention Center in Houston
Read MoreT.E.E.S. and DTLR strike again with another successful "Season's Feedings" in Raleigh!
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Read MoreCelebrity Focus
Read MoreParental involvement in children’s learning has been widely accepted as an important component of early childhood education. Studies have shown that parental involvement can positively influence child development, and parents’ involvement affects a child’s cognitive and social-emotional outcome.
Here are ways you can be more involved in your children’s lives, according to the Harvard Graduate School of Education.
When our children are young, we guide and help them to keep track of their academic progress, to ensure they are doing well in school. When we asked a few parents, most of them listed helping their children with homework and preparing them for spelling tests as activities they do to be more involved in their children’s learning. Ms Tan, a preschool vice-principal, observed that children whose parents support them in their academic tasks at home are not only do better at learning new concepts in the classroom, they also experience a smoother transition into formal education.
Besides supporting your children through academic tasks, you can enhance their school performance through day-to-day activities as well. Reading, which is an important academic skill for school success, can be fostered through unplanned and non-academic activities. It can be a regular bedtime routine or a casual reading of posters, signboards and other forms of printed text around the environment.
Parenting is your attitude and beliefs that determine or affect your child-rearing practices. And this has a great impact in your child’s socioemotional and cognitive development. Research found that your attitudes and beliefs determine the degree of warmth and acceptance in a parent-child relationship, as well as setting limitation for your child.
This parental warmth, coupled with a reasonable level of control, produces positive outcomes within them. And how can parents balance this warmth and control? Be reflective and look at it from your child’s perspective. Constantly ask why your children behave the way they do, especially in times of distress or conflicts.
Home-school relationship is the formal and informal interactions between you and your child’s school. It involves your participation and contribution to your little one’s learning, as well as establishing a regular two-way communication with their teachers. Some ways to nurture a positive home-school relationship include:
Attending school events (e.g. festival celebrations, family carnivals, parents’ workshops)
Volunteering at your child’s school
Contributing your expertise in your child’s classroom
Communicating and exchanging information with your child’s teachers
Despite working full time, 34-year-old Cherlyn Toh makes sure she sets aside time to engage her children in activities. She does so by involving them in daily chores, such as preparing dishes for the family. She uses such experiences as teachable moments to impart skills and values to her children.
“Taking time to engage in quality conversations with her children is important to understand their needs and interests,” says the mother of two.
Welcome A Board Demarco
Read MoreWelcome A Board Lutheria
Read MoreBecause so much brain development takes place during the teen years, it is important that parents understand the impact that social media use can have on their children. For this reason, it is important to establish guidelines for social media use. While many young people do have unrestricted access to their phones and other devices, setting limits may be helpful for your child.
Read MoreAs a parent, one of the biggest challenges you’ve been managing is how to let your child safely return to school during the pandemic. With many school districts offering in-person classes this August, you're now facing the question of how to keep them safe in the classroom.
Read MoreIn January of this year DTLR donated a 2015 Suburban to our organization. As with most vehicles it required a little mechanical work to get it back in tip top shape. We set out to raise $5,000 to cover the cost of the repairs. This vehicle was desperately needed so that we wouldn’t have to rent Uhaul vans, rental SUV’s, etc. when we it was time to set out and serve our community. $5k was a mere drop in the bucket considering we’ve incurred well over $5k in the past 24 months on rentals.
We want to acknowledge those who answered our call to help us get on the road. To date we’ve raised $4,255.00 of our $5k goal. If you’d like to help, please donate HERE or via Zelle using
Just a few more finishing touches and she’ll be good as New
A very special thank you to the J. Crayton Pruitt Foundation. With your support we were able to add 3 additional tutors and provide FREE virtual tutor support to more children. To date we have 35 students who’ve taken advantage of the Tutoring Scholarship.
We would like to recognize DTLR for their donation to T.E.E.S., a 2015 Chevy Suburban.
With this vehicle donation we can save so much on rentals, as well as tow large loads!
Thank you DTLR we are so appreciative for your continued support.